University of Liverpool

We are delighted you’ve logged in – welcome to this programme which is designed to support busy professionals manage their workload.

Welcome from the Director

“The University is committed to …

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Nullam id massa dignissim, egestas dui non, maximus mi. Fusce tortor dolor, laoreet imperdiet turpis ut, placerat varius elit. Nam scelerisque tincidunt porttitor. Fusce a pharetra velit, sed consectetur quam.

Carol Costello
Where should I start?

The 3-minute tour video above will help you get started.  The logical development of the programme is 1) Focus, then 2) Plan and finally 3) Do It. 

However, each section is independent and you can ‘dip in and out’ of the various elements as you wish.  In addition, you may be facing specific issues covered in the Challenges section of the programme.

Each section includes a video, article and an accompanying exercise.  There are also pro-tips in case you want to delve a little deeper.  Before you start the frameworks, you might want to briefly identify the ‘time wasters‘ as you manage your busy workload.

If you want to improve clarity, perspective and prioritise your world, you might start with the Focus section.

If you need to gain control and handle the flood of communications, you may prefer to drop straight into the Plan section.

To optimise tools, get the inbox to empty, and fine tune your to do list and calendar, go straight to Do It.

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10:40am – 11:30am

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