Do It

Optimising our systems and getting the best from the tools

As previously noted, this programme is a blend of methodology and technology.  You can be very tech-savvy, but if you don’t understand the general approach, the high-tech systems can actually hinder our productivity. 

Equally, we might be understand the models, but if we struggle to get to grips with the everyday tools provided by our organisation, we can feel left behind and ineffective.

How can you get started? (slides below)

  • Slide 1: Don’t wait to get the perfect system.  Get started quickly even if it’s rough and ready.
  • Slide 2: A series of questions to help you decide on your best tool for your tasks and projects
  • Slide 3: If you ask the answer the questions in slide 2, this will determine the best general approach.


So in this section, we’ll look at optimising the systems available to us.  These are broken into 4 basic options:

1) Microsoft

This section provides short videos to get the best from Microsoft Outlook, OneNote, To Do and Planner.  We will touch on how these tools talk to each other and work within Teams.

2) Google

The programme also offers options for Google-based organisations.  We will review Google Keep and how it can be used as a task management system and how it integrates with Google Calendar and Gmail.

3) Other technical solutions

There are also short videos exploring a variety of third-party project and task management tools.  Although they can be used for work if approved by your organisation, be aware of data security; these may be suitable particularly for personal life systems. 

4) Paper-based 

There are still many, even from young and high-tech backgrounds, who prefer to use low-tech tools to manage their day.  This section offers techniques for implementing the programme using paper-based tools.

Unlike the frameworks, this section has no specific order; feel free to jump straight to the tools most relevant to you.

To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail.

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10:40am – 11:30am

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