Course Materials

Below are key links to access the programme materials before joining the course.

Microsoft OneNote handouts

The materials for the programme are available as a OneNote notebook.

Instructions: *

  1. Download the file above (zipped folder)
  2. Open the folder and double-click the file.
  3. This will launch OneNote and allow you to choose a location
  4. You can choose any location, then select “Create”.

This is now your copy of the handouts for you to customise.

* These instructions apply to OneNote for Office (Windows).  Users of other platforms may prefer to use the PDF handouts.

 Paper and Pen

During our live sessions, it is, of course, absolutely fine to use ‘trusty’ paper and pen (or any preferred note-taking tool).

Editable PDF handouts

The materials are also available as a pdf document.  You can  download and then either edit and save the document or choose to print it.  

In addition, each section of the site includes the relevant pdf document. 


For those who use Evernote, feel free to download the handouts as an Evernote notebook to use on your own device.  

Instructions: *

  1. Create a new Evernote notebook
  2. Download the file above (zipped folder)
  3. Open the folder and double-click the file.
  4. This will launch Evernote and import the notes into your notebook

This is now your copy of the handouts for you to customise.

* These instructions apply to Evernote for Windows.

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