Microsoft (Overview)

The key productivity tools for many organisations

For many participants, having an overview of various Microsoft tools will be significant to improving productivity.  But understanding which tool to use in any given setting and getting the best from each of them can be complicated.  The accompanying chart below shows how they connect to each other; it can feel like a jungle but we’ll explain it simply in the guides.

The following sections of the programme provide clear and simple guides and videos to support you as you set up your systems. These include:

  1. Microsoft Planner 
    A great tool to manage team projects and have perspective of the overall status of your team’s work.  Built on the Kanban approach and a core tool in Microsoft Teams.
  2. Microsoft Outlook (Members only)
    A core productivity tool for employees, this section shows how to effectively use tasks, optimise the calendar, drag and drop, set up quick steps, quick parts, rules and convert emails into tasks.  This is the suggested starting point for Microsoft users.
  3. Microsoft To Do (Members only)
    This tool can substantially upgrade your system.  To Do adds key functionality making it a fully-fledged task manager with availability on all major platforms.  It also connects with Microsoft Outlook Tasks and Microsoft Planner.
  4. Microsoft OneNote (Members only)
    As its names implies, this tool provides one place for all your notes.  An excellent solution for managing project collateral, team meeting agendas and minutes and as a digital notebook for all your plans.   It also connects with Outlook, To Do and is integrated in Teams.
  5. Microsoft Teams (Members only)
    The hub which includes elements of all of the tools above.  This section demonstrates how the tools integrate with Microsoft Teams

At our core, Microsoft is the productivity and platform company for the mobile-first and cloud-first world.

Visit the Outlook guides and videos (Members Only)

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Learn more about Microsoft To Do ((Members Only)

2 of 5

Find out how Microsoft Planner can help your team

3 of 5

Become an expert with OneNote (members only)

4 of 5

Learn how the tools integrate with Teams (members only)

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