This level can be divided into long-range and short-term, but should always be specific and attainable.
Once clear on our values, we can now set goals. Long-range goals might be defined as a vision of success. Simply put, what will our career, our family life, department or even entire organisation look like three to five years from now?
Short-term goals are smaller, manageable steps we need to take in the next few months to begin to reach the vision … which is in line with our values.
Pro Tip
The importance of aligning these levels is illustrated by 'climbing the ladder of success'. Goals are likened to rungs on the ladder.
If our goals aren't aligned with our values, we might efficiently get to the top, but realise it's leaning against the wrong wall!
These levels would be reviewed periodically throughout the year to ensure they’re both aligned and current.
"Setting goals is the first step to turning the invisible into the visible"
Tony Robbins Tweet
Try the goals exercises to review our personal and professional plans.
Like the values exercise, it's good to create a relaxed, quiet atmosphere to get the best from this.